Love + Self
Love + Self
Grounded in the belief that a healthy relationship with oneself is the foundation of all well-being, this program vertical focuses on helping the women in our community cultivate positive self-worth, self-awareness, self-acceptance, and self-care practices, no matter where they might be in their journeys. Through transformative educational workshops, introspective small group experiences, and culturally relevant wellness tools, this body of work aims to strengthen the emotional and mental health of the Love + Ethos community.
Our research
According to The University of Rochester’s Medical School, journaling is a powerful tool for tracking daily symptoms, recognizing triggers, providing an opportunity to speak positively about yourself, and guiding you in prioritizing problems, fears, and concerns. Through journaling, studies have shown that people can alleviate stress, process emotions, deepen self-discovery, and identify the best way to proceed (Healthline, 2012). Lastly, According to a 2018 study, adults diagnosed with medical conditions and anxiety experienced reduced stress, increased well-being, and greater resilience after consistently writing about positive experiences for a few months (JMIR Ment Health, 2018).
According to a survey from Peanut — a digital community and app with over 3M users of women looking to connect and find support throughout pregnancy and motherhood — 72% of women surveyed felt invisible in the mothering role, 93% feel unappreciated, unacknowledged or unseen and 93% say that since having a child they feel that their identity is now limited to 'mother,' as opposed to a more robust and multifaceted identity.
According to a 2019 article published in the Journal of Affective Disorders, “single mothers of young children are twice as likely to report depressive or anxiety symptoms than partnered mothers.”
Research shows that the experience of socioeconomic disadvantage, including unemployment, low income, poverty, debt, and poor housing, is consistently associated with poorer mental health (Palgrave Communications, 2018).
Love + Self Programs
Zero-Cost Mental Health Services
Guided Journaling
Love + Community
Love + Community
In alignment with the essential role safe spaces, vulnerability, and connection to others play in personal development, this vertical of work invites women journeying through motherhood to grow and heal together. Through initiatives and events rooted in communal and collaborative support, this impact segment helps members of the Love + Ethos community build networks of care, resources, and encouragement that help them successfully navigate the shared obstacles or issues that they may be experiencing on their journeys of womanhood and motherhood.
Our research
According to Motherly’s 2023 State Of Motherhood report, mothers generally experience difficulty establishing self-care practices. 62% of moms polled reported having less than an hour to themselves each day. Also, despite the lifting of COVID-19 restrictions, 51% of moms reported that they had not gone out with friends or their partner without their children in the month prior to the polling, a significant increase from 38% last year.
According to a 2023 Gallup poll, 55% of Americans say their community activities are an integral part of their lives. This number has increased by over 20% since 2002.
A study done by World Psychiatry in 2016 found that social support from one’s community can also help foster resilience in the individual. Community members are strongly affected by the coping strategies of other community members, as well as by the community’s capacity to prepare for and deal with adverse events and conditions. This becomes apparent during disasters when individuals who are linked to pre-existing organizations and communities that are well prepared to deal with adversity tend to fare better than those who are not connected to or supported by the community.
A study on maternal wellbeing done by BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth identified that one-to-one peer support during pregnancy and after birth could have a number of positive impacts on the emotional wellbeing of mothers while also identifying a general lack of trust in mental health and social care professionals. The study noted that mothers extended the same self-censorship they practiced with family and friends to mental health professionals but felt more heard, confident, and valued in peer-to-peer support spaces.
Love + Community Programs
Postpartum Retreats
Love + Expansion
Love + Expansion
With the understanding of the compounded ways in which socioeconomic disadvantages can radically impact one’s life trajectory — this vertical of programming is designed to shift the mindsets of members of the L+E community around what’s possible for their lives and address the very real — and systemic — obstacles that keep them from being able to define their futures on their own terms. This much broader set of programming focuses on cultivating life and professional skills necessary for building safe and thriving lives.
Our research
According to UN Women — the United Nations entity dedicated to gender equality and empowering women — women’s economic empowerment, which includes education, upskilling, and re-skilling, boosts a society’s productivity and increases economic diversification. In the U.S., women face specific barriers related to economic empowerment due to the “motherhood wage penalty,” which is when women’s pay decreases after becoming mothers. This Motherhood Penalty results in mothers making $.58 for every $1 paid to fathers.
Motherly’s 2023 State Of Motherhood report found 72% of mothers polled felt at least ‘somewhat stressed’ about finances. This percentage increased to 86% amongst mothers who have a household income below the national median of $65,000.
In 2023, Shopify studied the post-pandemic boom of mompreneurs in the wake of the massive number of mothers who left the traditional workforce during the pandemic. Of the mothers surveyed who were not already business owners, 44% said they were either slightly or moderately interested in starting a business. One in six mothers indicated they were very interested in starting a business, and 16% were “very interested” in starting a business on a part or full-time basis (Shopify, 2023).
Reports show that when individuals and families intentionally seek to be financially literate, they are more likely to avoid devastating financial mistakes, better attain financial goals, and confidently make informed life decisions (Investopedia, 2023).
According to the U.S. Census Bureau, the national poverty rate in 2022 was 11.5%, with a total of 37.9 million Americans living in poverty. When analyzed by demographic, the Census Bureau indicated that Black, Hispanic, and Indigenous Americans face disproportionate poverty rates in comparison to their white counterparts, with Indigenous Americans being the most overrepresented group in this category.
In 2021, nearly 30% of single parents lived in poverty, about five times more than the poverty rate for married couples (Annie E. Casey Foundation, 2022).
Love + Expansion Programs
Small business Grants
Mentorship Services
Financial Wellness Workshops