First Name
Last Name
What is your city of residence?
How would you like to contribute?
In-kind Support (Purchase Items for a family)
Monetary Donation
Time/Volunteering w/ Love + Ethos
If donating financially, would you like a receipt for tax purposes?
What is the amount you are able to contribute financially?
This will be used to best match you with a family in need
If you are able to volunteer, how much time can you commit to?
A few hours
A full day
Ongoing (e.g., weekly/monthly)
Other (Please specify bellow)
If you selected other, please specify here:
What skills or expertise do you have that could be useful in the relief efforts?
Medical/Healthcare (e.g., EMT, nurse, doctor)
Food and Water Distribution
Counseling and Mental Health Support
Legal or Insurance Assistance
Construction/Building (e.g., clearing debris, rebuilding)
Administrative (e.g., data entry, document processing)
Other (Please specify bellow)
If you selected other, please specify here:
Can you offer any resources that could assist in the relief efforts?
Space for evacuation shelter
Trucks or vehicles for transportation of supplies
Medical supplies or equipment
Hygiene products (e.g., soap, sanitizers, toiletries)
Non-perishable food items (e.g. canned foods)
Other (Please specify bellow)
If you selected other, please specify here:
Are you able to assist in providing temporary housing or shelter to evacuees?
Yes, I can host individuals/families for short-term stays
Yes, I can host pets or animals temporarily
No, I am unable to provide housing
What languages do you speak?
(This helps us coordinate communication with a diverse group of individuals in need)
If you selected other, please specify here:
Please provide any additional information you think may be helpful: